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Business Introduction

We are dedicated to provide superior service and ensure efficiency, reliability and pursuing quality for each of our projects.

OAD Original Aspiration Architectural Design Consulting Ltd.

Macau DSSCU registered Company. From Architects, interior designers to visual & art designers, etc., our team members possess with unique set of skills, practical field experience and creative vitality; We have acquired senior level of working experience through projects from U.S. & H.K. Funded resorts, casinos, architectural design firm, etc. We are well-experienced in project design and management, and are committed to provide our customers with high-quality solutions. On top of that, we are familiar with the local code which is required for government license-related submissions and International Building Code (IBC) for foreign companies projects. We often participate in various design projects of government, hotels, casinos, private developers, schools and social groups, etc.

By listening to the requests and understanding the needs of our clients professionally, we explore the most suitable solution; design, develop and tailor-made plans together with our clients. By constantly improving through research and study we shall gain insight into our customers' mindsets; These insights will help us to assure reliable and efficient feedback, helping us to move forward together with our clients.

At CPA we believe that through professional and dedicated attitude, we will deliver the highest standard of service and highly-exquisite design for our clients in Macau and oversea. In the process of globalization, we are fully aware that attention to the local characteristics is essential. Moreover, we're here to embrace humane care through design, and to promote social progress and a better standard of life.

Business Category:

Provide various types of services such as architectural design, interior design, license submission, landscape design, graphic design, project management/supervision, construction management, etc of clients (including governments, hotels, casinos, associations/societies, private developers, etc.)

Project type:

Offices, retail, restaurants (Food & Bervage), schools, education centers, nurseries, hotels, casinos, residential, public places, social facilities, cultural and artistic performance venues, etc.



我們是一支兼具實務經驗與創意活力的團隊。團隊中的建築師、 室內設計師、視覺藝術設計師等相關專業,並且擁有在美資及港 資的酒店娛樂場、建築設計公司等企業的資深工作經驗。團隊以 豐富的項目設計及統籌實踐經歷,致力為客戶提供優質解決方 案﹔熟悉本地及國際建築條例(IBC),恒常性參與政府、酒店娛樂 場、私人發展商、學校及社會團體等多類型設計項目。

我們透過用心聆聽、理解客戶需求,以專業可靠的服務態度與客 戶探討其發展藍圖,度身訂造每一案設計計劃﹔我們精益求精, 追求可靠、快速反饋及跟進項目過程中遇到的每一個細節。

公司以專業、熱誠的態度,著意為澳門創造更優質、精緻的設計 項目。我們深明在全球化進程中更需重視本土特色,透過設計體 現人文關懷,從而改善人們生活,不斷推動社會進步。


為各類型客戶(包括政府部門、酒店、娛樂場、協會/社團、私人 發展商等)提供 建築設計、室內設計、牌照入則、空間設計、景觀 設計、平面設計、項目管理/監理、工程管埋、實施工程等服務。


辦公室、商舖、餐飲、學校、教育中心、托兒所、酒店、娛樂 場、住宅大樓、公共場所、社會設施、文化藝術表演場所等。

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